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What is The flea flicker?

A man who enjoys tickling a women’s pink part

β€œDude, Carlo’s a total flea flicker.”

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The flea flicker - video


The flea flicker - what is it?

A small football team that is apart of the AFL (arena football league). They are THE worst team in the league and have never won a game. There is multiple problems within their team and teammates disagree with each other and throw shade.

The Flea-Flickers are the worst team in the AFL.

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What does "The flea flicker" mean?

When you’re taking a shit and the lightbulb in the bathroom explodes causing you to aggressively shit your pants

Tom: damn I just experienced the Muslim flea flicker.

Brandon: holy shit dude, are you ok?

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The flea flicker - what does it mean?

Like a normal Houdini but with a twist. One man waits in a closet while the other starts having intercourse, then the men switch, the second man finishes then swaps back with the first guy, and then the first man finishes.

Bro chandler and I ran the flea flicker Houdini with some chicks from the quad on the trail of beers last weekend.

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The flea flicker - meaning

Description of occurrence for tossing the salad.

Licking the asshole is like a Flea Flicker; you can't do it all the time to have continue success.

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The flea flicker - definition

A trip taken by one or more co-workers during the work week, which has no legitimate work or family purpose, and is achieved through misdirection to fool work colleagues into believing it is a legitimate family trip and to fool spouse/family into believing it is a legitimate business trip. When executed properly, this seldom used, high-risk tactic, can result in significant time away from both work and family but often results in awkward silences with or nonsensical explanations to co-workers and apologies to spouses and/or family members. The β€œflea flicker” is considered an extreme variant of the β€œstretch.”

Worker 1: Have you seen co-worker X, Y or Z this week?

Worker 2: No, I thought they were in New York for meetings.

Worker 1: There are no meetings in New York this week, they must be running the flea flicker again and I can’t wait to hear the explanations for their simultaneous disappearances.

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The flea flicker - slang

When a straight man goes to a gay bar to pick up women

Jesse and brandon were trying to get at some hotties, there defense was to strong, so they decided to run the Flea Flicker and go to a gay bar to pick up chicks

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The flea flicker

An unorthodox work place maneuver designed to return the responsibility of an assignment, delegated by the office quarterback, back to the office quarterback.

Sam: "The office quarterback tried to hand off more assignments to me today. I audibled flea flicker under pressure."

John: "So, Rob took care of it?"

Sam: "Hells yeah!"

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The flea flicker

literally someone whose job it is to flick fleas off of their employer, employers family or guests.

someone of extremely low social standing, who is obliged to engage in humiliating professions just to get by

Lady Gaga thrives off of her paparazzi flea flickers

If it hadn't been for his family name and inherited wealth, George W Bush would like have amounted to little more than a flea flicker.

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