Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The V8 Splash?

What you get when you mix a total of 8 "V"s:
Vicodin swallowed with Vodka, then driving a V6 engine. The Splash is the crash.

Krisi was bored at a party, so she decided to leave and pull a V8 splash. Too bad she wrecked her car.

👍41 👎95

The V8 Splash - video


The V8 Splash - what is it?

The V8 Splash (also known as an Ocean Spray, Sierra Mist) is when a female fills her anal orifice with fruit juice or other assorted sodas and carbonated beverages with the intent of flatulating (farting) the liquid into her partner's face. The resulting fart-spray covers the recipients face with a combination of liquid and doodoo in an effort to arouse the sprayee sexually.

"Man the other night my girl was gassy. I took it as the perfect opportunity to capitalize on a sweet V8 splash!"

"Hey Jared, what did you do last night?"
"Oh, nothing much, watched a bit of the game...and later got totally Ocean Sprayed by Mindy!"
"Mmmmm...that is the best."
"You know it dude."(High Five at this point)

"Hey Todd, have you ever known a girl to load her ass with vegetable juice and then ask you for some fellatio, only to fart-geyser your face with the doo-tainted booty fluid?"
"Nope Clyde, can't say that I've ever experienced that."
"Oh, ok. Just wondering."

👍61 👎73

What does "The V8 Splash" mean?

This a sexual act that occurs when a female regrets to inform her male partner is on her rag and lets him go down on her. He then is surprised with the v8 splash - otherwise known as the tomato salad.

yeah he killed her cause he didn't like that v8 splash she gave him.

👍179 👎125

The V8 Splash - what does it mean?

when menstral blood gets on your mouth during oral intercourse

mestral blood getting on your face while you are eating your girlfriend out, u just got a the V8 Splash

👍33 👎17