Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Total Package?

When a man is having sexual intercourse with a woman and attempts to get his testicles in too. Also known as "steeping the bag". Not recommended for novice romantic's as NO one I know has ever had success!

I heard he managed to get his cock AND balls into Sandra's gigantic hole... Alas! Someone has achieved the total package!

👍73 👎185

The Total Package - video


The Total Package - what is it?

One who believes they are the best thing ever put on this planet. Often this creates a psuedo-superior complex within the person. These are the people often hated by "friends," family, and society in general.

I have to go watch the Total Package graduate this weekend. I'm not thrilled.

👍61 👎131

What does "The Total Package" mean?

Caleb Carter has the combination of both looks and personality, sense of humor, etc.

It's rare to find someone that has the total package.

👍29 👎11

The Total Package - what does it mean?

A man who excels in everything. He is smart, successful, good-looking, athletic, has a good sense of humor, great in bed, etc.

Brad is a lawyer and a rock star. I want to be him. He's the Total Package.

👍117 👎35

The Total Package - meaning

A guy or girl who has the combination of both looks and personality, sense of humor, etc.

It's rare to find someone that has the total package.

👍427 👎73

The Total Package - definition

Someone who has it all, looks, personality, intelligence, creativity, multi talented, is good at "it."

Bill; "Why you hang so much wit Andrea?"

Stephen; "She got it all man, she's the Total Package!"

Bill; "True dat!"

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