Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Shoe?

A person from the Philza Minecraft server that is not a pleb because only Ian speaks for the plebs and only sees piss colour she is the Walmart georgenotfound!

1) put shoes back in her box

2) everyone set your profile to red shoes is here
3) shoes asked for the yellow coloured slushie

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The Shoe - video


The Shoe - what is it?

To go, or on the run. Double meaning: Shoo as in leave or depart.

"I'll take this food on the shoe"

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What does "The Shoe" mean?

"Shoe in" is not a thing. The term is "shoo in". It means something that will obviously win, prevail, etc. As in 'all you have to do is shoo it in, and it will win'. Shoo means to wave away, or brush off -- implying something that requires very little effort.

Lester was the only contestant with two legs, so at the very least he was a shoe in shoo in for the 1600 meter hurdles.

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The Shoe - what does it mean?

A shy hoe that would love to hook up but is lowkey insecure. Always talks about wanting to fuck but only occasionally does.

Stop being such a shoe becky! Just do it already!!

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The Shoe - meaning

A person that is still in the closet, like a shoe.

Is he gay?
Idk probably I think he's a shoe.

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The Shoe - definition

No, this is not the shoe you put on your foot. This word is means “show” but the creators friend spells it shoe-

Me: i made a new OC
Friend: shoe

Me: *shows oc*


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The Shoe - slang

Houses for your feet.

Hey, where do your feet live?

In my shoes, what, you been chiefing?

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The Shoe

term used to describe prison in which you are totally isolated.

"Mike's in the shoe"

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The Shoe

To give someone a good kicking

That mma fighter took a good shoeing but still got a good win

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The Shoe

Not your everyday footwear.

E.g. "These are not my shoe shoes, though"

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