Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Misclick?

What you yell after an embarrassing misclick.

*Player tries to switch items, but clicks the wrong one*
Player: DOH I MISCLICKED! I'm sorry.
Player 2: It's OK. I beat the boss.

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The Misclick - video


The Misclick - what is it?

The best knifer in FA and probably best player to touch the game. Nobody can compete with him.

Misclick is too good

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What does "The Misclick" mean?

A word to clear yourself of all blame when you RDM in a roleplay game or teamkill in a shooter.

Me: *Shoots teammate 5 times in the body and then teabags on dead body*
Teammate: "WTF bro?"
Me: "Misclick."

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The Misclick - what does it mean?

Otherwise known as the M249 in CS:GO.
Costs $5200 and is in every way less superior to the Negev.

The Negev is a fucking laser beam after the 14th shot, has more ammo, does more damage, and costs $1700.

The only reason to buy the M249 is because you misclicked.

xXx_gitgudm8_xXx: "Why did you buy The Misclick?"
You: "I was trying to buy a Negev, I swear!"

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The Misclick - meaning

When you're having sex with a woman and start thrusting with pauses like computer lag and accidentally click(put it in) the other hole.

I was hooking up with this chick the other day and she seemed hesitant about butt stuff, So I gave her the ole laggy misclick!

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The Misclick - definition

The most expensive weapon in CS:GO. Clocks in at a whopping $5200, which is over half of the money cap in casual. The only reason to use this over the Negev is because you misclicked.

The Negev has a better magazine size (150 versus 100), better fire rate (1000 rpm versus 750 rpm), and turns into a literal laser beam after the 14th shot fired. Not only that, the Negev costs $1700. You can buy a Negev and a M4 and a flashbang for the cost of a M249.

Just buy the Negev. It costs less and turns into a fucking laser beam after the 14th shot, whereas the M249 is just a piece of shit.

xXx_AwpMain_xXx: "Holy shit. Why the fuck did you buy the M249 "The Misclick"?"
You: "Ah shit. I misclicked. There goes half my money"

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The Misclick - slang

To accidently click on the wrong Internet link

Oh, damn! I misclicked and now I'm on the wrong page.

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The Misclick

When someone or something clicks on the wrong target by accident.

On a game...
A: What're you doin' dude? Do you wanna kill me?
B: My bad, bro! I misclicked! I didn't mean to do that.

On Tinder...
A: Oh, no! I just missed another nice girl.
B: Man, take it easy! Stop misclicking or you'll end up with an ugly one.

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