Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thart?

An impulsive expression of ones thoughts; mind farting out bullshit

"So how are we doing on the quarter?"
"What would you do if I just fucked you right now dude."
"Stop tharting, stay on topic

👍25 👎11

Thart - meme gif

Thart meme gif

Thart - video


Thart - what is it?

A thought based in ignorance, self-indulgence or other characteristic of harmful ideology or values that, when shared with others, causes a very negative reaction and/or repulsion which reflects the foulness of the thought back to its owner.

Biden's idea to fix the border was just another thart! His thought was so bad that it appears to have been spoken to us using his asshole for a mouth, and it was received like a deadly fart in a crowded elevator! He should keep his ignorance to himself.

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What does "Thart" mean?

Derived from 'Thats it'.
When something is 'the one' and hits the spot.

Wife: "How's your dinner?"
Jacob: "Tharts Art!"

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Thart - what does it mean?

To use the shitter at work, resulting in just a fart and sitting on average 25 minutes, 4-5 times daily.

Look guys, theres JT heading in for his 4th thart and it still not even noon!!

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Thart - meaning

when one balances a woman on his back by her breasts, and thrusts forward with force. The woman is thrown forward, over her partners head and the man is likely knocked unconscious by the force of the body hitting his noggin.

After all the tharting that went on back in their room last night, Jane's tits were sore and John had a headache.

During his dry spell, Kevin was so desperate that he didnt even need sex, he would have been fine with just some good tharting.

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Thart - definition

A combination of thought and heart as a description of a way to live. Also: the meaning of life.

Weary Traveller: What is the meaning of life oh wise and exalted one?
Crusty Hermit: Well, you see, is a river, see, thart.
W.T.: Ah! And all this time...

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Thart - slang

1. To think hard and simultaneously fart all at once.

Whoa... pardon me. The question you asked me caused me to thart. I hope the smell isn't too strong. I do have an answer, though.

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The act of leaving a room or moving to a different area when you have to fart so as not to disturb other people.

Alana is not very thartful. She always farts on my pillow.

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The feeling that you have to fart but when you try you really shit your pants.

I hope that Russ does not thart in the meeting this morning.

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Same as a "Brain Fart", meaning a lapse in memory.

I thart I remembered our anniversary date, sweetie, but I was wrong!

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