Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thanks Man?

A phrase for when a woman uses a man for a quickie. Usually followed by her promptly leaving right after.

"Wham bam thank you, man. Damn...I really need to head home now and feed the dogs."

👍27 👎17

Thanks Man - video


Thanks Man - what is it?

The reciprication of felatio upon the male genitalier.

To thank a man in a way only a women (or man) could.

"You did well Bernard, you shall receive man thanks later"

"I do love man thanks in the summer"

"Suzy, I do believe I need to be thanked"

👍29 👎27

What does "Thanks Man" mean?

It's like,"hey bud." "Righteous." I don't know you that well dude.

Hey you found my cell phone! Thanks man.

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