Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Teevee?

A real man, teevee is real.
Teevee is not tv, he is African American.
Teevee plays league of legends.

Wow guys !, Is that teevee (real) ?

👍25 👎11

Teevee - meme gif

Teevee meme gif

Teevee - video


Teevee - what is it?

word used when not explaining what was said to Adam

adam:what were you guys talking about?

others:We were talking about teevee........?,.,.,

👍37 👎65

What does "Teevee" mean?


Let's go watch some teevee.

👍41 👎23

Teevee - what does it mean?

TV spelled out phonetically. Used by morons who apparently aren't aware that TV isn't a word, it's an abbreviation for the word television.

"On your paper here, you wrote "teevee". Why did you spell it that way?"
"Herp derp isn't that how it's spelled?"
"(facepalm)...No. It's just spelled TV. The letter T, then the letter V. That's it."

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