Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tanesha's?

Someone that is probably popular and doesn’t give a shit bout you. Don’t become her friend or she will use you...

Tanesha hates meee

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Tanesha's - meme gif

Tanesha's meme gif

Tanesha's - video


Tanesha's - what is it?

A thick ass latina who’s cooter flaps swing and sway all up in her thong, coating the inside in a gooey liquid called the β€œWAP”

Girl 1: Omg gurl, Tanesha is so thick that her cooter flaps jiggle when up the stairs.
Girl 2: Omg. You are so right Becky. All dem boys wanna take a lick of her wet ass pussy.

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What does "Tanesha's" mean?

someone who’s doing your mom

tanesha’s doing my mom again

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Tanesha's - what does it mean?

Tanesha is the definition of bitch. She does everything a bitch would do.

"hey bro Tanesha is a bitch"
"i know bro but i love her with all my heart"

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Tanesha's - meaning

A woman of faith, educated, smart, well mannered and family oriented.

Doesnt Tanesha take good care of her family. I would babysit Tanesha's kids the are well behaved.

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Tanesha's - definition

A girl with a unique personality, she is beautiful inside and out, very creative, and incredibly fun and wise, she has a bad ass attitude, but soft on the inside, likes to speak her mind, one of the most sarcastic girls you'll ever meet, they tend to be very pretty and down to Earth, they hate girl drama, and while they may be smart they tend to procrastinate and do the bare minimum to get by.

First girl: Who is this Tanesha girl I've been hearing about?

Second girl: She's something serious I wouldn't want to joke around with them.

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Tanesha's - slang

A strong beautiful woman ,believes in honesty and being kind,but there's an upside to her a beast in hiding do your best to keep from finding it .she'll do anything for the one she loves and loves not easily but when it happens hard and without limitations ,often a person who can keep secrets but won't stand one's that hurt people .

tanesha's a totally cool person with everyone except Tom he tried to cheat off her paper in class

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