Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TROOPS?

the latest batch of homosexuality from our friends at nickelodeon.

some bitch got attacked by a fucking tree on the troop today

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TROOPS - meme gif

TROOPS meme gif

TROOPS - video


TROOPS - what is it?

hunting or wandering in search of somethin while under the influence of marijuana

I was trooping lookin for the fire worker crackers

👍45 👎29

What does "TROOPS" mean?

A small group, usually ranging from 3-5, of niggas. A group any larger than that is known as a Getthefuckouttathere. Is also another term for a group of monkeys.


I was walking to my car when I saw a troop, so I ran and got the fuck outta there.

👍61 👎49

TROOPS - what does it mean?

a group of people, similarly one person in the army.

When I got to school I met up with my troop
That troop had the dicipline needed for the job

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TROOPS - meaning

Your boy, homey, friend. Mid 80's NYC usage.

What up troop! I'm chillin'.

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TROOPS - definition

Slang for a Army paratrooper

What up troop?! Get on the ground you fuckin legs! (Legs are non airborne personnel who haven't earned their jump wings yet)

👍35 👎13

TROOPS - slang

Something cool, walking with style. Someone's posse.

Those girls troop with style.

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"Troops" is a slang word for mates, ften used in West Central Scotland. Many gang, or "young team" member will refer to their fellow cronies as "the troops".
Also, "troopz" or "troopers" are acceptable terms to use.

Awrite troops. Who we doin in eh night?

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A Long Walk

"we gotta troop to the crib cuz we are assed out 4 a ride"

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walking to get somewhere

all day we were trooping to get to the mall

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