Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TKG?

Nickname for Tykeyiah Dante Evans known for how to lock pick videos and a Rapper

Tkgfreestyler, TkgRapper

👍39 👎49

TKG - meme gif

TKG meme gif

TKG - video


TKG - what is it?

An extended large group of friends who participate in kairos and/or theater activities.

Do you want to hang out with the tkg tonight?

👍79 👎21

What does "TKG" mean?

TKG stands for Tamago Kake Gohan (卵かけご飯 / egg on rice) - a Japanese meal which consists of rice, egg (raw) and soy sauce (can be mentsuyu). Mix an egg with sauce you prefer and put them on a bowlful of rice. It's simple and easy, commonly eaten in Japan.

A: I had TKG this morning.
B: Woah, really? Me, too! Which do you use soy sauce or mentsuyu?
A: I mix them.
B: Ewwwww.

👍97 👎21