Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THAT SHOW?

AKA National Hockey Leauge (N.H.L.)

That guy has sick dangles, he's going to The show for sure.

👍297 👎141

THAT SHOW - video


THAT SHOW - what is it?

a show is a mini concert usually consisting of small, local bands. they are usually really low key and are usually really cheap. these shows are where all the scene, broXcore and hxc kids hang out at. they usually consist of five to nine bands that are either alright or really good, but sutimes the bands really sukk but then all the kids just go chill outside

hey, are you ging to the fire in the morgue show saturday night??? fire in the morgue is a local band from morgan hill, CA that plays alot of shows

👍207 👎87

What does "THAT SHOW" mean?

being ridiculous or acting absurd; usually in an outrageous or scandalous fashion that may involve sex, drugs, and partying

She is shows!

Was he doing shows?

👍131 👎51

THAT SHOW - what does it mean?

cheap concert

are you going to the (insert band name) show tonight?

👍665 👎293

THAT SHOW - meaning

1. Verb: To not show up to an event/work/etcetera

2. Noun: Someone who does not show up to an event/work/etcetera

1. He was supposed to come to work today, but because he had a hangover, he no-showed.

2. He was supposed to come to work today, but because he had a hangover, he was a no-show.

👍81 👎21

THAT SHOW - definition

Knowing something for certian.

"She was a hoe, for show."

👍213 👎53

THAT SHOW - slang

Major League Baseball, esp. when contrasted with the minor leagues.

In his first inning after being called up to the Majors, the young pitcher gave up a towering home run. The commentators just chuckled and said, "Welcome to the Show, kid."

👍397 👎77


(n.) A person who signs up or talks about attending certain events, but never shows up.

Fred: Hey, where is Bob? I have his name here on the sign up sheet.

Lindsey: Man, that tool Bob never comes when he says he will. What a no show.

👍167 👎21


Anyting Dat Yoo Fink Is Gud

Dem Kickz Are Show Show.

👍53 👎33


Slang for shower(washing).


pronounced: (shou shou)

I'm going to take a showe showe.

👍85 👎53