Definder - what does the word mean?


A reference from the band Fall Out Boy. At an award ceremony, the microphone was too tall for Patrick Stump(singer) to reach it, so Pete Wentz(guitar) tries to lift him, causing Patrick to say "Thanks, Pete."

Person One: I like your shirt.
Person Two: Thanks, Pete.

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THANKS PETE - what is it?

A Fall Out Boy reference created when Patrick Stump was too short (and is STILL to short) to reach his microphone. Pete Wentz attempted to lift Patrick up, resulting in the forever reference "Thanks Pete!"

Friend: *opens door*

Me: thanks pete

Friend: what the fuck

👍31 👎11

What does "THANKS PETE" mean?

Mostly said by fans of Fall Out Boy after when Patrick couldn't reach the mic, Pete Wentz attempted to lift him up to it
Patrick: Er, and thanks to this mic stand for being really tall
Pete: *Lifts Patrick up*
Patrick: Thanks Pete
Since then, Fall Out Boy fans will randomly blurt out THANKS PETE or instead of just saying thanks. Now thank Pete for this definition

Friend: *opens door for me to walk through*
Me: *walks through* Thanks Pete!
Friend: dafuq

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