Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TALIA MAR?

Talia Mar she's a hoot girl from the UK. She's dating Simon Minter(MINIMINTER) . NICE COUPLE :). SHE'S A YOUTBER WITH OVER 300,00 SUBS. BY YOUTUBE MAURO MATA TV GO SUBSCRIBE!!!!!


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TALIA MAR - video


TALIA MAR - what is it?

Miniminter's girlfriend, mediocre singer

Oh! look! it's miniminter's girlfriend Talia Mar

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What does "TALIA MAR" mean?

the most incredible human being in the world. she is fit as anything with her amazing eyes and nose. she may change her hair a lot, but anything suits her. she has tattoos that make her even more fit. moreover, her personality is banging and she deserves an incredible boyfriend.

jeez, talia mar is there and i am horny af now

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TALIA MAR - what does it mean?

A female British YouTuber and singer who's dating Miniminter aka Simon. She has over half million subscribers in yt

?Person 1: who's Miniminter's GIRLFRIEND

Person 2: her name is Talia Mar

Person 3: WoW she's gorgeous

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