Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TAHN?

The cluster of buildings in any metropolitan area; otherwise known as "Downtown"

Generally exclusive to the Pittsburgh area.

yinz goin' Dahn tahn?

👍113 👎37

TAHN - meme gif

TAHN meme gif

TAHN - video


TAHN - what is it?

A person who walks around slapping others with their t bone steak meat.

Wow tahned is weird.

👍39 👎27

What does "TAHN" mean?

I changed this just because it seemed funny, for my name is Tahne and you. will. suffer.
poggers haha. pp? yes pplease.

me: "wow, that's pretty funnh"
you: "eh, not really Tahne"
me: *amputates your feet and makes feet salad*
you: "wow, that's pretty funnh"

👍25 👎11

TAHN - what does it mean?

A great guy with a wonderful smile and incredible laugh.

Lauren: Tahn is so awesome! I wish he would date me.
Jasmine: Me too!

👍69 👎37

TAHN - meaning

Tahne is crazy, very beautiful, your life wouldnt be the same without her, shes so loyal, but like any other girl she can be a right bitch, even though sometimes you can hate her, dont let her go, shes real best friend material.

"my friend Tahne is so crazy"

👍65 👎25

TAHN - definition

This is when you are having a text/IM conversation with someone and after you've sent a message, they reply with only an emoticon(s). Thus ending your conversation, or leaving you with the difficulty of continuing the conversation. This originates from a particular person that always ends conversations like this.
(pronounced "tah-nd")

To be tahned:

You: That party last night was out of control.
Friend: Yeah, I saw someone throw up in the bushes!
You: Did you see Beata? She was so drunk!
Friend: xD

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