Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sweet Nectar?

The combination of sweat and lubricant from anal sex.

*talking over the phone*

Geralt: So Zach, do you want some of her Sweet Butt Nectar?

Zach: Dude she can hear you

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Sweet Nectar - video


Sweet Nectar - what is it?

White Gurl's Squirt.

She got dat sweet white nectar.
I'm gonna drink her sweet white nectar.

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What does "Sweet Nectar" mean?

The epitome of awesome and cool. When something is so perfect that "cool" or "awesome" or "kickin" is just not enough.

Person 1: OMG the Cubs just won the world series...

Person 2: Sweet Honey Nectar

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Sweet Nectar - what does it mean?

The pungent odor wafting from the magical spot between the balls and leg mixed with gold bond powder. Prevalent in cooks and others who work in hot environments on their feet for extended periods.

Dude, smell my finger. I've got that sweet Georgia nectar.

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Sweet Nectar - meaning

a cold glass of Arnold Palmer Iced Tea Lemonade

Guy1: dude, grab me a glass of that sweet nectar
Guy2: of course, enjoy it

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Sweet Nectar - definition

In reponse to an arousing comment, gesture, act, or situation. Often used by Carl in Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Adopted by many young middle class European Americans.

Stripper: "Hey baby."
Carl: "Ohh, sweet nectar!"

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