Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sweet Balls?

A expression to show general joy.

Male: Will you go to prom wih me?
Female: Sure.
Male: Oh sweet monkey balls!

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Sweet Balls - video


Sweet Balls - what is it?

A shot including Jim Beam honey and Fireball. 2 ounces of each in a Dixie cup.

She puked last night after choking down one too many sweet hot honey balls.

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What does "Sweet Balls" mean?

An expression to show shock or amazment. Such as holy hell.

Sweet potato balls! I haven't seen him in years!!!

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Sweet Balls - what does it mean?

A fancy and exciting new way of saying "yeah sweet" or "great idea".

Other uses include a substitute for: "I agree", "Yes I will", "That sounds great", etc.

Allows the user to freestyle with their own mashups of the phrase, eg. "Sweet balls Miyagos" / "Sweet balls Miyaaag".

Often used in conjunction with the exclamation "WAX ON, WAX OFF MOTHERFUCKER!".

Always abbreviated in text form as "SBM".

1. Kid after taking his first shit: "I DID IT MA!"
Mum: "Sweet balls miyagi"

2. Kid after graduating college: "I MADE IT MA!"
Mum: "Sweet balls miyagi, WAX ON WAX OFF MOTHERFUCKER!"

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Sweet Balls - meaning

an expression denoting something pleasurable, awesome, attractive, or good.

"Dude, that girl is totally checking you out." "....sweet balls!"

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