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What is Surprise butt sex?

Very hott anal intercourse brought on by an erect penis or three and a surprised anus that will soon feel the smooth stabbing feeling of the penis(es) ripping open their tight anus hole. brought on without consent. often causes internal bleeding and projectile diarrhea.

Those three guys from work were in the stockroom after hours at work when I bent over only to find 3 penises ripping apart my anus hole.


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Surprise butt sex - video


Surprise butt sex - what is it?

When you are caught off guard by someone who has the intention or is in the process of invading your cornchute with no prior concent or chance of warning.

Sucker punched in the turdcutter with a penis.

Jamie bent over in the shower and received surprise butt sex from Mike

👍69 👎31

What does "Surprise butt sex" mean?

When a girl is having sex with a guy doggy style, going at it really hard and fast and one of the times his penis comes out as hes putting it back in he misses the vagina and puts it in the butt!

Girl 1: so how was jimmy last night?

Girl 2: girl he was good except he was fucking me doggy style and he gave me some surprise butt sex! And now im sore cuz jimmys got a big dick

Girl 3: ooh girl you so lucky!

👍177 👎69

Surprise butt sex - what does it mean?

to randomly dry hump someone from behind

Joey: SURPRISE BUTT SEX!!!!! *dry hump's yuig*
Yuig: Joey, with you its never a surprise...

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