Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SuperTard?

Supertard is just like a Slayercool.
got a tiny penis, and uses microscope and forceps to jerk.

eeeew its a supertard :s

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SuperTard - video


SuperTard - what is it?

When someone is super retarded.

Jake is Supertarded, have you seen him?

👍25 👎11

What does "SuperTard" mean?

Combination of "super" and "retarded". Means something/someone is extremely stupid or irritating. See supertard.

Chris: "Hey, let's go put on funny hats and then run across the highway!"

Brian: "That sounds supertarded."

👍33 👎11

SuperTard - what does it mean?

dumbass, ultra-retard, on a scale that is unparelleled.

"Bernie thought he was large and in charge. That fucking supertard thought he knew everything! Probably why he got canned!"

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