Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sunra?

Sunraes are addison rae's fandom!They are so sweet you can count on them for everything!They'll always have you back no matter what!

Sunraes are so sweet

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Sunra - meme gif

Sunra meme gif

Sunra - video


Sunra - what is it?

Sunraes are the fandom belonging to Addison Rae. Sunraes are kind but
get upset quite easily. Sunraes also have major trust issues. Sunraes will
do anything for their friends. If sunraes are your friends keep them close.

i am part of the sunraes!

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What does "Sunra" mean?

Sunraes are Addison Rae’s fandom. They are the nicest ever we all meet in this world. They are so underrated. β€œI named my fandom sunraes because they are the sun that makes my life to shine!” - Addison Rae

Person 1 : I love Addison Easterling Rae! She means a lot to me!

Person 2 : If you are a nice person too, that means you are a sunrae for sure!

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Sunra - what does it mean?

Sunraes are addison rares’ fandom. They are the sweetest fandom on TikTok and are very talented at edits.

Sunraes are beautiful kind and smart human beings!

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Sunra - meaning

A fairly small person with a large penis, even larger so than a Jordan.

Usually un-circumsized.

Slut: "That guy was so hawt last night!!"
Whore: "Yeah! He was a total Sunra!"
Random Dude: "GIGGITY O.O"

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Sunra - definition

Sunraes are supporting Addison Rae the Adorable, beautiful and kind queen they are never toxic and they would die for Addison they are like 10-14 years old

Person 1: i love Addison Rae she is my idol!
person 2: girl u are a sunrae !!

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Sunra - slang

they are addison rae fans they are so sweet they are always here to hype you up if you feel down and they just a super sweet fandom!

the sweetest fandom is the sunraes!

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Sunrae is a fan of a popular tiktok celebrity Addison Rae (@addisonre). usually sunraes are very kind and friendly, they support a lot of fanpages. sunrae are a popular fandom.

hater: is that the Addison supporter
sunrae: yes, i am a sunrae

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Some nice and some toxic fans of Addison rae the toxic ones attacking MCYT fandoms and the nice ones supporting other fandoms and making amazing edits

Nice sunrae: I made a new edit !
Toxic Sunrae: I leaked out Tommys address and blamed it on the dunkins

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Sunraes are Addison Rae’s fandom. They are the nicest ever we all meet in this world. They are so underrated. β€œI named my fandom sunraes because they are the sun that makes my life to shine!” - Addison Rae

Person 1 : I love Addison Easterling Rae Lopez! She means a lot for me!
Person 2 : If you are a nice person too, that means you are a sunrae for sure!

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