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What is SugarBear?

A guy who makes you feel like you’re the only girl in the world. He treats you as if are his all. He’s Tall, Funny, Handsome, and of course you’re everything.

He’s amazing, he’s my sugarbear

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SugarBear - meme gif

SugarBear meme gif

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SugarBear - what is it?

a homo bear that likes sweet jerkins in their muddhole...usually hangs out with steves or johnnys or big willys

dam look at those sugarbears makin out in that parking lot

👍59 👎137

What does "SugarBear" mean?

A large Mammal Originating most likely from the mountains of Caucasus also known to be found in parts of australia.
It has a diet consisting of mostly meats and ben and jerry. will attack and roar when woken prematurely. also known to be violent when losing at computer games. Can be placated with various sugary foods. Known to leave skidmarks on rugs.

Sugarbear; Hey Sugarbear calm down its just a game. or Hey Sugarbear you fat bastard thats three tubs of ben and jerrys in an hour leave some for the rest of australia

👍25 👎11

SugarBear - what does it mean?

noun. (1) a human male who exhibits many character traits and behaviours of a friendly bear; (2) a human male whose personality is sweet as honey and who has a particular penchant for real maple syrup; (3) a human male who has superior physical form, is very muscular but also good at cuddling - like a bear; (4) a human male who has optimal intellectual capacity and an ability to engage in stimulating thought and conservation on any subject; (5) a rare human male - there is only ONE - who is the PERFECT boyfriend for me.

My Sugarbear, who shall remain unnamed.

👍179 👎71

SugarBear - meaning

A guy who you want to spend every waking hour with. Whenever you are away from him you cannot get him off your mind.

Every time you are with him you do not want to leave. He is loving, caring, artistic, tall, handsome, and everything you never knew you were looking for.

He is someone that you have an undeniable connection with. He is the one.

That's my sugarbear over there, yeah the one wearing the snapback.

👍267 👎49

SugarBear - definition

An attractive women who is manipulative and self-centered. Taken from the Elton John song "Someone Saved My Life tonight."

SugarBear She is such a sugarbear getting J?ohn to do all her work for her.

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