Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Suck yuh mada?

Go suck yuh mada is a cursive language used by jamaican's to express themselve's

Them- move and gweh idiot
Me- go suck yuh mada pussy u noh bad

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Suck yuh mada - video


Suck yuh mada - what is it?

A term used by Caribbean people basically telling someone or something to go to hell.

β€œSuck yuh mada, I’m not doing that”
β€œYou and your sister, cousin, dog, fridge, stove and everything can guh suck yuh mada”

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What does "Suck yuh mada" mean?

A term used by Jamaicans to verbally insult someone, telling them to perform oral sex on their mother

Hey boy go suck yuh mada and leave me alone

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Suck yuh mada - what does it mean?

A phrase used by Caribbean people mainly Jamaicans, that means to perform oral sex on your mother; this phrase is used when you violate/disrespect someone

β€œGuh suck yuh mada dutty bwoy !”

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