Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Stuffy nose?

pounding the shit out of your girls nose with your dick instead of being in her vajay or arse

my girl has crabs so i just give her a san antonio stuffy nose instead

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Stuffy nose - video


Stuffy nose - what is it?

When performing intercourse the man sticks his dingaling up the nasal cavity of a woman right when he is about to ejaculate.


Owwww, I can't breath. OW ow ow ow, I can't breath. It burrnnnss.

It's not called a San Antonio Stuffy nose because you are supposed to enjoy it.

👍39 👎23

What does "Stuffy nose" mean?

The act of stuffing ones testicles into each nostril of a woman. Added bonus if your dick is in her mouth during the process.

I gave her a stuffy nose last night...but she sneezed my balls out after like five seconds.

👍31 👎21

Stuffy nose - what does it mean?

Alright, so you put your girl on her back with her head hanging over the edge of the bed or table or what not..Then you insert your dick into her mouth and plug her nostriles with each ball,therefore giving her a stuffy nose

Man comes home from work for some action to find his wife sick in bed.He asks her what is wrong.She replies i have a headache and fever.Husband replies. then you won't mind a stuffy nose

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