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What is Stuck Up Bitch?

Jess. is a Two-Faced Stuck up bitch.

Two-Faced Stuck Up Bitch - Jess, jessy wessy, my na na na na note partner, Jessy wessy is the bestie.

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Stuck Up Bitch - video


Stuck Up Bitch - what is it?

The definition of β€˜Stuck up bitch’ is usually a girl who is controlling, an asshole, Ugly, stupid, or thinks they are better than everyone

β€œOh my god, Torry is such a Stuck up bitch”

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What does "Stuck Up Bitch" mean?

a girl or a women who is generaly ugly or stupid and thinks shes better than everyone else

Randys girlfriend Amanda is a stuck up bitch

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Stuck Up Bitch - what does it mean?

Very fake and thinks she/he is better than you with her/his new friends and they is just a fucking bitch

Vanessa is a stuck up bitch I can't stand her most of the time

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Stuck Up Bitch - meaning

Bitches who think that because they are pretty and all the boys want them, they can bully average looking people. They think they are better than everyone else.

β€œThose girls are so stuck up”
β€œ ong! Stuck up bitches”

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