Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Strideful?

The act of merry making with one or more humans of the homosexual male variety, ending with an act of fellatio.

I went out for a mates birthday back home and pulled a complete stride over this guy's face.

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Strideful - what is it?

To walk for miles with the only thing in mind being STRIDE.

Hey, do you want to go STRIDE with me to Walgreens?

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What does "Strideful" mean?

Following a long weekend of being down on your luck, scoring with a chick you just met by poking her in the butt and nutting on her face.

After dropping a grand at the poker tables, Eric's weekend wasn't a total loss as he ended it by pulling a stride.

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Strideful - what does it mean?

a man's pants, but only in the context of him being instructed to lose them. always had a slinky, horny vibe to it.

in my circle of pals in a small city in north america, from the 80s on, the word was really only heard in the phrase "drop those strides, cowboy..."

or perhaps that was only, um, in my geographical region? or my neighbourhood? or perhaps only my street. well, actually, maybe even only in my house. but nevertheless, there are enough men out there who are familiar with this usage that it deserves an entry in this distinguished forum.

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Strideful - meaning

To strike, or rush a object.

I'll stride you to the lockers.

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Strideful - definition

Trousers, pants, pantaloons, hoes, breaches.

Originating in rural england, now used as Australian slang.

"I got me some new rat traps, they'll be seeing the inside of my strides before the week is out!"

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Strideful - slang

The best brand of gum ever.

Mmm stride sweet berry my fav.

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Australian slang for trousers, now rarely heard. More likely to be used in country areas.

"If we are going out, I better put my strides on."

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where somebody gets there trousers and/or pants pulled down by someone else.

example:- didn u c robbie get strided at dinner it was soo funny! u saw his red bxers lol!

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Strideful: when a long, lengthy person walks in a certain stride. When they walk they have long strides and walk stiff, similar to Steve from Minecraft. Strideful people are interesting and odd.

Miles is a strideful person, he walks with long strides.

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