Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Step?

Rush, bring drama or violence to.

Don't step to me, muthufucku or you get wacked.

👍683 👎211

Step - meme gif

Step meme gif

Step - video

Step - what is it?

01: engage a confrontation with.
02: strike up a conversation with or hit on.

Why most people step to people for the wrong reasons?

👍97 👎21

What does "Step" mean?

Dilute or cut a drug like cocaine with another substance such as milk sugar.

You can step on this stuff twice and it'll still be the best in the State.

👍193 👎41

Step - what does it mean?

Dilute or cut a drug like cocaine with another substance such as powdered milk.

You can step on this stuff three times and it'll still be the best in the State.

👍291 👎59

Step - meaning

challenging someone to fight, only used by a townie

(mock cockney accent) : oi u stepping to me cuz

👍231 👎43

Step - definition

When a illicit powder/rock based drug has other products/drugs added to increase weight and maximize revenues.

No way gangbanger, this shits stepped on, Id rather buy monkey nuts off a leper.

👍947 👎187

Step - slang

engage a confrontation with.

👍273 👎49


I love the analogy about him holding your key :)

You have such a cute sense of romance.. it really hits me
I LOVE the thought of dancing with her in the kitchen.. dancing with her in general.. I think I just love any idea that involves having our bodies up against each other..

I like thinking of us just laughing together at stupid things.. the more we talk about this kinda stuff. The more I see the smallest things in life just changing completely when I'm doing them with her.. I think she'd get tired of me cos Id never leave her alone 😂😊

Iv got such a smile on my face right now..

I need.. to say those 3 words so badly
I need to show you..

I love you

I need to know the next step..

👍35 👎37


Songs… probably just the ones I have posted so far. We haven’t really spent any time together. We spoke more months ago, at least on occasions… now, not at all through messages or face to face:(.

When we did message each other, I loved his sense of humor (correct spelling:) and the way he would make me frazzled. I loved the way he seemed to know how I would react… and that is a pretty shocking task:) I don’t even know how I am going to respond at times.

I don’t argue… I don’t yell. I don’t complain… My job requires me to see all perspectives, so it has become my daily nature:) you are correct, a lot of people can not place themselves in someone else’s shoes per se… or even try. Much of the world (in my opinion) is only concerned about themselves.

I am glad to hear my writing inspired you… it is amazing how we lock things up and we don’t even know they were. But I truly believe now it is that one special person who holds the key to unlock the unknown… He is my key. He always will be.

2023 has knocked me down, stomped on me, and everything else you can imagine… but I continue to believe.

My earlier writings you can see everything was literal. I love writing poetry now… it is kinda funny I have rhyming on my mind so much, I have caught myself rhyming when I speak.

Overthinking… at what minute :) my head is comparable to a pin ball machine… more the ball than the machine. Lol.

I love to dance!! My vacuum has been a great partner and it has a mic too:) I definitely have imagined us dancing… through the grocery store aisles, in the kitchen, I have always wanted to learn ballroom dancing… I imagined us doing it together… me stepping on his feet and the laughs while we both are somewhat out of our comfort zone, but the love we have for each other has more beats than any dance we would learn.

👍39 👎39


The ability or lack there of to dodge punches in a fight.

Damn John stepped all of Jareds punches in that fight!

👍37 👎15