Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ssnakee?

idk a snake with an extra s and e cos you thought you were cool for doing that.

Ssnakee joined the channel
Litterally everyone else left

👍25 👎11

Ssnakee - meme gif

Ssnakee meme gif

Ssnakee - video


Ssnakee - what is it?

The people you are usually a snake probably have a name started with an a. They will say they forgive you but behind your back, they will say you're an attention-seeking little brat.

"EW you a ssnake,"
"I already knew that baby girl"

👍25 👎11

What does "Ssnakee" mean?

A person you cant trust or rely on, someone who will do anything to stab you in the back. They will find out your secrets and use them against you. A person who once you get to know becomes different and overall bad.

"did you hear what that girl korinne did?"
"turns out she screwed her friends boyfriend"
"OMG! what a snake she is"
"yeah korinne is such a ssnake, hiss bitch"

👍25 👎11