Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Soul Glow?

A funny and amazingly awesome singer.

I saw Soul Glow Activtr in concert two weeks ago.

👍43 👎17

Soul Glow - video


Soul Glow - what is it?

Southern gentleman who fronts the ATL based crunk rock band Family Force 5. Wears silver hulk hands on stage and knows how to party. Also goes by the name Solomon Olds.

Margaret: Hey did you go to the show last night?
Joanie: Yeah, Family Force 5 was great. Soul Glow Activatur really knows how to entertain a crowd.

👍113 👎37

What does "Soul Glow" mean?

The extremely hot lead singer of the band Family Force 5

Leah:OMG I would SO totally bang Soul Glow Activatur if he wasn't married
Lauren:oh, I know, I know

👍207 👎65

Soul Glow - what does it mean?

Hair Grease for black people See jheri curl

you've gotta let your soul glow...

👍219 👎67