Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Smrt?

Noun: A play on the word “Smart”. It is used sarcastically describe people who are supposedly smart.

“Oh, maaan, you’re smrt alright!”
“They aren’t as smart as they are smrt.”
“If you were smart, you would have figured this puzzle out minutes ago. But since you aren’t, I guess you’re just smrt instead.”

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Smrt - meme gif

Smrt meme gif

Smrt - video


Smrt - what is it?

Idiotic, a fucking bozo

you are so smrt!

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What does "Smrt" mean?



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Smrt - what does it mean?

something someone says when they do something stupid but want to act cool.

Duggie: whats 10+10?

Isabelle: 20!! how do you not know that!

Duggie: i am so smart smrt!!

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Smrt - meaning

The word "smrt" is the disemvowelment and portmanteau of the Romanian sentence "Îs mort." or "Sunt mort." The literal meaning of both sentences is "I am dead.", but it is used colloquially to express the feeling of being under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances. "Smrt" is usually expressed by people who are under heavy influence.

- Bă ești bine?

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Smrt - definition

An often used acronym for "suck my right tit"; normally said in desperation, fear, anger or disdain of one's neighbor or pet.

Thanks for pissin on my Manolo Blahnik's again. smrt!

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Smrt - slang

"Smrt" means "death" in most slavic languages.

"dervis i smrt" is a classic of bosnian literature.
(the death and the dervis by mesha selimovich)

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The term "smrt" is the lazy way of saying "smart" Popularized by Abe.

Example "Man, I'm so smart, *says it out loud* S,M,R,T"

Example "Smrt" He said without realising.

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Derogitory opposing form of "smart", as if to say stupid. Used on chat or IM where expression of the concept would take many characters.

"Oh really eh, well I guess i'll do that then, you're so smrt"

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Homer Simpson's spelling of smart

I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T!

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