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What is Sloshed?

Slosh, also known as goo core, is a music genre that is an offshoot of 21st century noise music, characterized by free arrangements and digital textures, often with a sense of playfulness, cuteness, or bubbliness that references the euphoria of pop music without the structural formalities. Strains of slosh could be viewed as a response to some of the monochromatic abstract music of the early '00s.

When the terms "slosh" and "goo core" were devised, they were intended to describe an outpouring of noise music that was bubbly/playful like pop, but β€œwithout the structure".

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Sloshed - what is it?

to be so wonderfully intoxicated that you can not control your body or actions.

Jessica was completley sloshed Friday night. She drank an entire bottle of vodka, then proceeded to stumble everywhere and slure her words. needless to say she had a great time.

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What does "Sloshed" mean?

To get fucked up, wasted, high off your face, sloshed outa your mind.

Boris was so sloshed he was carried out by his friend Alex, what freakin sloshers!

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Sloshed - what does it mean?

Being sloshed is the weed equivalent of a hangover. Some call it a weed hangover. This feeling is brought on by going to bed high. When sloshed, you feel tired, lazy, and your mind seems a bit hazy and off. When sloshed, you arent high, but you arent one hundred percent sober either.

"Dude, I dont want to go to class today, I'm so damn sloshed."

"I think I smoked too much weed, I was sloshed the whole day."

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Sloshed - meaning

The state you enter when you become very slow and tired. Contrary to popular belief of being very drunk.

Dude I need a nap, Im so sloshed right now

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Sloshed - definition

Consuming large amounts of alcohol to the extent that you are passed out with your head in a box of Bud Ice.

Dude I went to the movie theater last night and got so fucking sloshed!

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Sloshed - slang

A terms for being very under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

I was 'sloshed' that night at Bennys.

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When a person is very intoxicated/drunk

"Dude, Max and I got so sloshed lastnight at Keith's party!"

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To get really fucked up or to be completely wasted.

You were sloshed at the party, you drank a whole bottle of Jack.

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When a person is extremely drunk.

"Lori was totally sloshed last night. She's still asleep..."

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