Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sleep Aids?

Aka TSA. Is a bear or moose teddy for an adult aged above 30 years old. Who uses this teddy to sleep with at night.

Hay Joanna you need a Tactical sleeping aid to improve you sleep at night.

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Sleep Aids - video


Sleep Aids - what is it?

Chloroform, usually used on small children

My baby wouldn't stop crying last night so I used the Casey Anthony Sleep Aid, it's still asleep!

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What does "Sleep Aids" mean?

penis. Sex is followed by sleep, hence giving a meaty sleeping aid.

(my girl had trouble sleeping last night, so I gave her a meaty sleeping aid)

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Sleep Aids - what does it mean?

A fictional disease which causes you to get tired at abnormally early hours during social situations when you have no reason to be tired. Therefore, the only explanation of your tiredness is that you must of contacted some kind of virus, most likely a STD, which causes drowsiness.

Brad: "Joe, wake up man. It's only 1 am and you're sitting there looking like you're about to fall asleep."
Joe: "Yeah, I'm tired for no reason. I think that black chick gave me Sleep AIDS."

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Sleep Aids - meaning

Aids you think you got in a nightmare about having sex with an aids infected person but you wake up and everything is ok. So you get relaxed and fall back to sleep easier.

So it turns out my Sleep Aids turned out to be a real sleep aid after all.

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