Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Skinny Legend?

Someone who does not eat enough to loose weight probably using cigs to curb their appetite. Not to be praised, but in some friend groups used as a joke or actually using the method.

I am a Skinny Legend! I look fucking great.

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Skinny Legend - video


Skinny Legend - what is it?

The act of being so iconic, skinny, and legend-like you die.

Omg wtf why is Lily such a Skinny Legend??

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What does "Skinny Legend" mean?

Man stealing whore

Isaiah Ponce is a Skinny Legend, he stole my man and hes coming for yours.

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Skinny Legend - what does it mean?

A word to describe Mick Jagger

"Man, that guy is such a skinny legend!"

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Skinny Legend - meaning

An actual icon! Nothing do do with weight. Raini Rodriguez and Ella Wilson are perfect examples of skinny legends. Audrey Edwards is not a skinny legend in any way, shape or form.

Omg Raini Rodriguez is such a Skinny Legend!!!!

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Skinny Legend - definition

Someone who is glamorous, talented, and all around amazing. Used as a form of encouragement between friends.

Emil, You skinny legend, I can’t believe you finished that bottle of vodka all by yourself.

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Skinny Legend - slang

Raini Rodriguez

(In the car with the radio on; you hear "fiesta, party quinceΓ±era" playing) "Oh my gosh! It's my favorite song! Nothing but respect for my skinny legend!

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Skinny Legend

A drag lingo term which has been by the likes of the drag queen, Trixie Mattel. The first and origiinal usage of the term by a "stan" (stalker fan) account was used to describe the talented singer Christina Aguilera, it has later been "claimed" by Mariah Carey's fans, the lambs. The term itself means that no matter how old these artists are or how much weight they've gained, these artists will remain talented and beautiful.

Christina Aguilera is a skinny legend.

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Skinny Legend

Raini Rodriguez the skinny legend of all skinny Legends she took Beyonce's man and she's coming for yours dancing to Fiesta salsa.

Dang that skinny legend took Beyonce's man in quick.

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Skinny Legend

Raini Rodriquez

I love when the skinny legend sings Fiesta Salsa Quinceanera Baila

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