Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Skinny-Fat?

Being "skinny-fat" occurs when you have a BMI in the normal range, and you may have thin limbs, but your waist circumference is very high making you abdominally overweight. You therefore have a similar risk to those who are *directly* overweight, because a huge waist is always bad regardless of your BMI.

He is skinny-fat because although he burns more calories than he consumes, he still is a major alcoholic and this gives him excess belly fat despite being otherwise a healthy weight.

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Skinny-Fat - meme gif

Skinny-Fat meme gif

Skinny-Fat - video


Skinny-Fat - what is it?

Also called TOFIs (thin outside, fat inside).

People who doesn't look fat or overweight from the outside (no 'fat folds') and still are considered 'fat' when they are submitted to hi-tech body-scanning techniques (like MRIs), to discover that they are what doctors call 'centrally-obese': having large fat-cells in their vital organs and subcutaneous skin deposits which is high risk for heart disease and can double risk of CDV (cardiovascular disease) in men.

A new relative method to body mass index (BMI) is the Body Volume Index (BVI), which is a faster computer-based digital scan that calculates body-volumes/body fat percentages. Similar techniques to BVI should be made to tell you if you are one of the latest 'fat' category: the 'skinny-fats!

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What does "Skinny-Fat" mean?

A physique, while not overweight (and possibly underweight), lacks any visible lean, striated tissue.

The term is often NOT used or understood by the uneducated, untrained eye. To the uneducated, untrained eye, a skinny fat female may appear to have a physique of the same caliber as an individual who is comprised of significantly more lean tissue. The term is particularly relevant when discussing women at NASCAR events; the types that may be skinny but have no muscle to speak of. The term is equally important while eating at Dennyโ€™s and discussing how unappealing the waitress is.

Untrained eye: "Dude, that chick is so hot."
Trained eye: "Nah, Dogg, that's Amanda Schroeder; she's skinny fat as all hell."
Untrained eye: "What do you mean?"
Trained Eye: "Look at her arms."

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Skinny-Fat - what does it mean?

A person who, while they have very low weight on the scales, and may look reasonably (or even very) skinny with heavy clothes on, they still have a large amount of body fat compared to muscle, resulting in a flabby appearance. Hence, a skinny (low mass) person, who still looks fat (flabby and untoned).

Often, vegetarians who have no idea where to get non-meat protein-rich foods from, and don't know why it's important, so they end up having no muscle. Especially vegetarian girls which combine the above with eating like a rabbit to "lose weight".

This is your average teenage (or not so teenage) girl who has been misled by hollywood to think that any form of exercise that isn't jogging will make you look like Arnold Schwarzennegger. Usually involves this vicious cycle:
a) "OMG! I look fat!"
b) "I need to eat like a rabbit from now on to lose weight" (myth)
c) "I need to go running every morning to increase my tone" (myth)
d) "I should avoid any other form of exercise because I will bulk up and look ugly instead" (super-myth - in fact it's the opposite)
e) Result: Loss of weight, but more muscle than fat lost, resulting in more fat remaining relative to body muscle (i.e. looking even more flabby and lumpy than before)
f) OMG! I look fat! --> back to a). Also, welcome to the anorexia club.

"How can I look so fat! I weigh no more than my 10-year-old!"
"You're just skinny-fat. You need some more muscle, and then you'll look drop-dead gorgeous again. Stop jogging and starving yourself, and go do some more wholesome exercise instead."

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Skinny-Fat - meaning

A physique, while not overweight (and possibly underweight), lacks any visible lean, striated tissue.

The term is often NOT used or understood by the uneducated, untrained eye. To the uneducated, untrained eye, a skinny fat female may appear to have a physique of the same caliber as an individual who is comprised of significantly more lean tissue. The term is particularly relevant when discussing women at NASCAR events; the types that may be skinny but have no muscle to speak of. The term is equally important while eating at Dennyโ€™s and discussing how unappealing the waitress is.

Untrained eye: "Dude, that chick is so hot."
Trained eye: "Nah, Dogg, that's Amanda Schroeder; she's skinny fat as fuck."
Untrained eye: "What do you mean?"
Trained Eye: "Look at her arms."

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Skinny-Fat - definition

To look slim, even with revealing clothes, but when touched, the touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. Older people will 'show' "Skinny fat" visually, but young people have firm skin that hides it until they're touched.

"she looks fine, but her skinny fat ass feels like mashed potatoes."

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Skinny-Fat - slang

A person who is not overweight and have skinny look but still have a high fat percentage and low muscular mass. Usually those people have a low caloric diet, that's why they are skinny, but are not involved in any sports activities or trainings and that's why they donโ€™t have any muscle. Since between the bone and the skin those people only have fat, the skin can be deformed easily because the skin layer is located on an unstable matter (fat).

Skinny fat woman look sexy from a certain distance but they have soft jelly skin and still have some cellulite even if they are in there early 20.

The Antonym of โ€˜Skinny fatโ€™ could be โ€˜Fitโ€™ or โ€˜Tightโ€™ or โ€˜Athleticโ€™.

Shit! All the girls are skinny fat on this beach!

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When someone is thin and looks great in clothes, but is all flabby underneath

Some people have great figures, but in a bathing suit they are a mess- all skinny-fat- like Miss Paris, who loves to show off her flabby ass for some reason

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When you skinny AF, and still got a sad, poochy, muffin-top, beer belly gut.

Damn, I'm skinny fat. I fit into a sweet size 4 , but when I take them jeans off and unleash my gut, I look like I'm 7 months preggers with twins.

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Someone who can eat a crap load of junk food and still look like a beanpole. Since they have a high metabolism, they can't seem to gain weight no matter how much they eat.

Lucas is so friggin skinny-fat. He eats ten ice cream bars, two bags of fritoes and five cans of mountain dew each day and somehow he still looks like a walking rib cage.

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