Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sissy's?

An affectionate word for a sister, or someone regarded as a sister. It can be a nickname given to someone who acts sisterly, kind, sweet, and caring.

It's also used as an affectionate word by many in the transgender community for transgender women who love being super girly, cute, and sweet a lot more than average. It can be a kink, or an interest to them.

Since it started as a word for sister it was later used as a derogatory word by sexist people that believe if you were born a guy you shouldn't be effeminate.

My lovely sissy is so sweet!

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Sissy's - meme gif

Sissy's meme gif

Sissy's - video


Sissy's - what is it?

An affectionate female nickname derived from the word sister. Sissy is a common nickname for a female sibling. It can also be a nickname given to a girl by others that she has cared for or behaved sisterly towards. The nickname implies that the girl is a sister or is regarded as such by family and friends. All in all, a sweet, caring girl :-)

See sister, sis, girl, female

Little Sis: I love you, Sissy.

Sissy: Awww, I love you too.

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What does "Sissy's" mean?

a man who acts like a girl

Look at Paul fussing over the wedding's colour scheme, he's such a sissy.

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Sissy's - what does it mean?

Sissi is the best freaking editor.She’s the sweetest,really nice,beautiful,always wants to help others and caring person.Ivona loves her the most.Ich liebe dich Sissi!!!πŸ’˜

Sissi you are amazing at edits.You should never stop with them!

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Sissy's - meaning

a boy or man who enjoys little girls clothing. Especially babyish clothing. Lots of frills. Not always straight or gay. Likes to be treated like a babygirl. Likes tea partys and playing with dollys.

Boys who likes to dress in babydoll clothes. Wears diapers and sucks on a pacifier. Like a baby crossdresser

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Sissy's - definition

wimp, pussy, weak
cant fight or is scared to do somthing bad

You are a little sissy ass bitch.Ill kick ur ass.

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Sissy's - slang

A man/boy who likes wearin' girly clothes like panties and overknee socks.

Why are you so strange the last days?
Im a Sissy now

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straight girly guy

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The sweetest girl you’ll ever meet, she’s a great hit with the boys. Her name sounds like an adorable anime character.

Maki: *watching super kawaii anime

Character: Watch out for Sissi! She’ll blind you with her beauty and sweetness!

Maki: *hearts replace eyes

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A sissy is a biological male; who acts really feminine, slutty, horny, also really bimbo like, etc. They tend to be really submissive but not all of the time. Most sissies are into men, but some are into women, some are Bisexual or Pansexual as well. Most of them like yo play with other sissies as well. Often they are into a form of hypnosis that comes from the hypnofetish community called Sissy Hypno, the most popular of which is a series named BambiSleep that helps them to act more like a bimbo

Person 1: β€œWhy do you dress so feminine?”
Person 2: β€œBecause I’m a sissy bimbo”

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