Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sillers?

A sillers is someone who is silly. This word can be used in a negative manner, but also a positive one. Telling someone they’re your sillers is one of the highest compliments, but being told you have made a sillers move is something you should never wish to hear. Being a sillers is also about comparison, if there is a big dog, he/ she will be a big sillers, while the little dog will be little sillers.

Don’t make a sillers move at that party you’re going to.
You’re my sillers.
I love my big sillers.

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Sillers - what is it?

A person/noun that no one knows his first name but only his last.

Boy:What that kids first name?
Boy2:I don\\\\\\\'t know.
Boy: Man, thats kid is SILLERED.

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