Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shonn?

Shonne is so beautiful, very big heart, shonne is the life of the party , shonne will do anything for someone she loves . If you ever meet a Shonne you’ll want to keep her around.

Hey my name is Shonne

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Shonn - meme gif

Shonn meme gif

Shonn - video


Shonn - what is it?

Town yokal who claims he is a torpedo

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What does "Shonn" mean?

he like to be called the torpedo

ka boom here come ther torpedo!!!!!!!

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Shonn - what does it mean?

A person with black hairy train tracks on his face
A total cunt and an obnoxious prick
The tallest person(sarcasm)
He loves cockroaches in his pants

The train derailed becauseshonn was was greasy af

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