Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shitsack?

A member of the male gender who wipes his ass from front to back

Example: Negative. We just won't go there.

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Shitsack - video


Shitsack - what is it?

The police

Yesterday my friends and I were just hanging out by our apartments and the shitsacks rolled on us and accused us of slanging. My friend Dante was beaten for refusing a search.

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What does "Shitsack" mean?

Shitsack, when used as a word only for men with huge ballsacks, you shit on you ballsack.

Dad: I just fucking shat all over my fucking balls
Son: ha ha, now that is called a shitsack

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Shitsack - what does it mean?

When you shit your pants.

β€œMan,I just went in my pants,and now I have a shitsack to deal with.”

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Shitsack - meaning

A term used for old Takeaway that has been stuffed in a paper bag because either

1: You didn't have time to eat it
2: It has been eaten, and has now come back out in the form of vomit
3: You are saving it for your dog

Daniel , are you giving that shitsack to your dog?

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Shitsack - definition

Asshole human person; usually not much smarter than an actual pile of shit.

Bob told me I sucked, so I called him a shitsack. Little bitch ran home crying.

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Shitsack - slang

adjective: A term used to describe the body of a flat-chested woman who has a straight, stocky torso and is overweight enough to have folds of fat. The appearance of her naked body is not unlike a sack of shit, hence the term "shitsack body"

Translated from a Korean term meaning basically the same thing

That chick has a shitsack body. Real women have curves not folds!

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