Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shaundi?

shaundie. if you have a shaundie in your life, please don’t let her go. she’s amazing, talented, beautiful, loyal, and protective. she will always be there to cheer you up when you’re feeling down, and the cheer up will always be a good one. always trust a girl named shaundie.

“I heard about shaundie! She’s the fun friend, but also the babysitter friend!”

👍27 👎15

Shaundi - meme gif

Shaundi meme gif

Shaundi - video


Shaundi - what is it?

A girl who dates guys just to give their other friends information.

Dude that girl a shaundi

👍37 👎21

What does "Shaundi" mean?

That once in a lifetime woman. Loyal at heart, beautiful smile, artistic, and simply one of a kind.

My Shaundi is an example of pure beauty.

👍55 👎19

Shaundi - what does it mean?

Shaundi: A beautiful amazing wonderful sexy woman with a heart of gold and a smile to lighten the coldest hearts.

I talked with a woman today when my life was going to shit and with some simple words she saved my life.

kind honest loving beautiful sexy wonderful smart funny caring loyal true Shaundi

👍73 👎27