Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sexy lexi?

Sexy Lexi is an ugly idiot who the majority of people like. She is kind to her friends but to others she’s a bitch

That girl is such a sexy lexi” “Toby likes sexy lexi!”

👍33 👎21

Sexy lexi - video


Sexy lexi - what is it?

"alex" nickname given by some random stranger

that alex over there is quite the sexy lexy ;)

👍45 👎43

What does "Sexy lexi" mean?

Nick name for a girl who refuses to shut up about who one likes

Mark: Did that Sexi Lexi Talk to you?
John: Ya and it was so damn annoying

👍55 👎55

Sexy lexi - what does it mean?

sexy lexi is a girl who wears crocs and has blonde hair and she’s hella thiccc of course

God damn! I saw sexy lexi in the halls and she was rocking the crocs with her huge ass and blonde hair!

👍31 👎13

Sexy lexi - meaning

an AOL bot that is always advertising "free" porn.

SexyLexy69: Cum to my website. It's got FREE pr0n!me: screw off!

👍123 👎103

Sexy lexi - definition

THE sexiest girl in the world. Know to inhabit the southern region of California and the central region of Texas.

That girl is so sexy lexi, I wish she was mine!

👍151 👎73

Sexy lexi - slang

If Lexy is sexy, she's just herself...
A Sexy Lexy is a girl who's hot and elegant, the kind of girl you want right now.

Have you seen this chick over here. She's a real Sexy Lexy...

👍249 👎95

Sexy lexi

Sexy Lexi is one sexy girl. She is so hot. Everybody wants to clap her thicc ass cheeks. She is the most loyal girl you’ll ever meet

Boy 1: Aye you see that girl sexy lexi.

Boy 2: Yeah i wanna clap them cheeks

👍53 👎15

Sexy lexi

A nickname for an extremely hot girl with any of the following names:
Alexa, Alexis, Alexandria, Alexandra, Alex, Alexia, Lexie, Lexis, or Lexi.

This nickname can only be given to a girl if she is at least a 9.5 on the scale of sexiness.

Wow, did you see the new girl Alexa? She is so hot, I nicknamed her Sexy Lexie.

👍219 👎53