Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sewar?

The best person ever to be born she has these beautiful eyes and makes everyone happy especially me I'm in love with her

She's also the most emo person you'll ever know the best type of woman ever.

*Sewar enters the room*
You : who's that emo? Must be sewar
I'm in love with emo

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Sewar - meme gif

Sewar meme gif

Sewar - video


Sewar - what is it?

An incredible person, with an amazing personality. The prettiest alive. Sometimes thinks that she is worthless but really she is worth more than the entire world. She is the funniest friend out of the friend group, the most daring too. When you meet her you would love her.

Girl #1: Iā€™d like for you to meet my friend Sewar.
*sewar enters the room*
Girl #2: oh no I think Iā€™m in love

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