Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sesha?

Sesha can be a girls name or a boys name but sounds much better as a name for a girl. Anantaseshadasi is the name of a god in Hindi mythology who takes form as a great black cobra and controls and symbolizes time. It can be shortened to Sesha, as seen here.

Sesha's are often average height, very good musicians/singers and a lot more than meets the eye.

Here's an example of a Sesha:
Friend: hey, Sesha, what's a word that describes extreme fear of being trapped in a very small, high up place with a bunch of gay spiders?
Sesha: oh please, that's acro-claustro-homo-arachnophobia.
Friend: awesome! (Can you spell that?)
Sesha: *spells*
Friend: k thanks bro

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Sesha - meme gif

Sesha meme gif

Sesha - video


Sesha - what is it?

Sesha may seem average but really she is a super nice, super smart, super fun, super cool girl! she will always try to be a motivational girl no matter what! She isn't really looking for a man or woman to date, but she loves new friends! Sesha will also always try to be on the popular side of the spectrum! She isn't a mean girl, but she will hold an argument on her side forever! In total Sesha is a great friend, and a GREAT person but she also a strong feminist!

guy 1 : Hey have you seen the new girl she's Sesha

guy 2 : Hey she's cute, ima ask her out
guy 1 : good luck!

guy 2 : hey sesha wanna go out

Sesha : No thanks! lets go girls! :)

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