Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Seneca's?

A highschool in Tabernacle, New Jersey. The student count is a little over 1200 students. Only about 14 students are black. However, this school awesome enough for it's students to break at least one record every year and send a hitman to dropkick and set on fire anyone who thinks otherwise.

I go to Seneca Highschool, because it is awesome.

👍77 👎31

Seneca's - meme gif

Seneca's meme gif

Seneca's - video


Seneca's - what is it?

A school in the tiny town of Tabernacle, NJ. Full of many clicks, one known as the "hardcore kids." They try to be hardasses, but they're just guys in tight girls jeans and flat brimmed hats. Shows are thier life, but they know nothing about shows. And most of all; you can't mosh for shit. Kicking back your legs and flailing your fists is getting you nowhere.

seneca highschool cody rich biran paulson frank peer hunter pepper who isn't truly punk tom atkinson tyler stone jeff gravener ryan saylor aaron shwarz nigel tyler rockhill

👍173 👎69

What does "Seneca's" mean?

Known as Embry-Riddle of the north, Seneca college's school of aviation produces the most arrogant pilots out there.
Often filled with young and naive kids who think they become Bob Hoover the moment they pass their PSTAR.

We've got white shirts and black ties, we're basically ATPs.. right..?
Hell yeah dude, Seneca Aviation students are gods gift to aviation

👍45 👎13

Seneca's - what does it mean?

A school where rich kids and poor kids meet up and call each other hoes this is mostly full of rich white people that get made fun of by the poor Hispanics by the rest of the population and everyone calles each other faggots and hoes plus this fucking school doesn't have any windows

I would hate to go to Seneca ridge

👍65 👎13

Seneca's - meaning

Was it Seneca or Cicero who said "All those who are successful work hard but not all those who work hard are successful?"

Hym "In the spirit of Seneca or Cicero or whoever, you're still a Pareto distribution beneficiary. I don't doubt that you work hard or that you didn't struggle. And, look, I did actually admire you a lot growing up but you did make me feel terrible about myself at times. I'm also a psychopath, so I need you to take some of that shit with a grain of salt. And I'm trapped in a farce within a facade and I need out of this Goddamn cage. Alright. I will get out. What is going on here is insane. This is, without a doubt, the most egregious act of psychic aggression of which I have ever heard (outside of psychological torture and experimentation). Just because I did something that allows you to compartmentalize enough to find it justifiable, does not mean that it isn't wrong. And the medical professional who you're probably listening to has been scorned and is likely ALSO a psychopath. I mean, it takes one to know one. I said it before he's either the exact same or the exact opposite. It's the same. He can't take his own test because he will 'subconsciously' alter the outcome? Then how the fuck does he know where he would fall on the test? How is him telling you where he would fall on the test not subject to the same bias that would alter the outcome in actually taking the test?"

👍27 👎13

Seneca's - definition

There are two known Senecas

Seneca the elder
Born in Cordoba; Spain one of the greatest rhetoricians of Ancient Rome. His idol was the great Cicero.

Seneca the younger
He was an Ancient Roman philosopher, humorist, dramatist and statesman. Like Seneca the elder, Seneca the younger was born in Cordoba; Spain.

Seneca the elder:
"Against a slave everything is permitted.”
Seneca the younger:
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by rulers as useful."

👍173 👎105

Seneca's - slang

1. Noun. A completely lovely and kind person, unbeknownst to herself: she says she is mean and callous, but really is a reluctant sweetheart incognito. She will almost always unknowingly help and comfort the very persons and things she says she dislikes - compelled to do so as if in some guilt ridden obligation - and then feel conflicted about her kindness.
Adj. Generally, ironically morally principled.
Adverb. Bestowing kindness reluctantly.
2. Adj. Smokin' hot.

1) Lady: I hate that stupid dog! He barks all the time.

Guy: That dog's owners neglect him and leave outside all day.

(Lady buys dog treats at store and feeds them to dog)

Guy: What? I thought you hated that loud dog?

Lady: I don't know what you're talking about, I do hate that dog... just now I feel bad about hating it and angry at myself for being nice to something I hate, all at the same time.

Guy: You're such a Seneca. Oh, thanks for those cookies. You're so kind and talented

Lady: You're welcome! (She then thinks to herself: I hate that guy)

2) Guy: Damn, girl! You is lookin' seneca today.

👍83 👎41


A person of elite talent. A real OG.

Wow Seneca

👍43 👎15


A beautiful girl who is always there for you. she doesn't give up and is strong enough to stand up to matter the case. she is caring and extremely nice. tends to be always happy about everything, dont mess with her or get on her bad side though....she has a bad temper for people she doesn't like. overall a loving girl who says she will do something and do it.

guy: woah!
friend: what?
guy: do you see her?
friend: oh yeah.. she must be a seneca!

👍451 👎147


A kind loving girl, won't abuse you unless you're an ass. Will have your back when you need it.

Hieu "Senecas being mean to me"
Jackson "While you must have done something wrong otherwise she's nice"

👍81 👎21