Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Seis?

Sei is pure and untainted, yet knowledgeable in the vast world of sexual deviancy. He needs to be likened to a donut when talked to. He needs to be talked to gently and sweetly, otherwise he will become rigid with fear. He needs to feel validated with gentle words of encouragement. He would appreciate sprinkles on top of him. He is a endless bottom and a brat, that will relentlessly tease you unknowingly because he's too innocent to know any better.

"Sei looked up with eyes glazed over, just like the donut that he is, confused and scared of the sexual advances of women who found him too cute to be true and couldn't resist googling over him." "Look at this lil soft harmless Sei!" "That Sei just wants to sit on your lap and be petted until he falls asleep."

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Seis - meme gif

Seis meme gif

Seis - video


Seis - what is it?

Sei can be used as a term for smart, funny, and helpful person but mainly used for referring to a very good friend. Commonly used on discord while talking on servers or in dm's. It can also mean when someones a Sei that theyre hobby is engineering, they are an engineer or was previously.

-Poz, aka tall_fellow/Sundrop was here

"Your such a Sei!"

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What does "Seis" mean?

To be incredibly epic at basically everything. Seems to be from a different dimension, though this is up for debate. Will not admit to having ninja skills even though said skills are witnessed regularly. Prone to anime-type reactions (aka loud and obvious), usually ending in some form of destruction.

Person 1: WTF happened in here!? All the desks and chairs are destroyed!!
Person 2: Someone pissed off (insert random name here).
Person: What an idiot, everyone knows (insert random name again) is a Sei.

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Seis - what does it mean?

Name or title of a respected middle eastern with a bloodline to the prophet Muhammed. In no way has anything to do with any form of Terrorist organizations, but it does tie into the Islamic religion almost hand in hand. Fierce fighters from this bloodline.

Seyed is an incredibly opinionated man, but he's so traditional.
Don't mess with a Seyed they know what's up!!

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Seis - meaning

A word that is used in time of stokerage (see 'stokerage')!

*Guy sees a dude do an awsome reverse air (bodyboarding move)* "SEYYY!!!!

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Seis - definition

Used as a substitute for yes. Originated from "yes" spelt backwards: "sey" and also has a similar pronounciation to that of the Spanish word for yes: "si".

"So, you wanna come get high?"

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Seis - slang

Direct descendent of the prophet Muhammad in the middle east, title of respect given to those of this blood line.

He's very religious and respectful.
He's a Seyed, he must be a great muslim.

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n. an affectionate nickname for Ratty Room 6 in Brown University's Sharpe Refectory, where the brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi eat dinner together every Wednesday at 6 pm

Jon: "Alright, I gotta run to the lab now, need to finish a Western blot."
Dave: "Are you coming by later for a little uh...a little...Ratty action at the Seis?"
Jon: "Definitely, I'll see you there."

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a magical creature in a school in romania

sei sei is the best creature

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A person who breaks the Sixth Commandment which signifies the person slept with a married person.

"Oh shit! He just pulled a Seis"

High five for scoring with a married chick man!

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