Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Second banana?

Luigi., younger brother of Mario

Snake: That guy with the mustache...

Colonel: Ha. You mean the "King of Second Bananas"?

Snake: Hey, that's Luigi! Show him a little respect!

Colonel: Look at that pale skin. He's been living in his brother's shadow for too long.

Snake: That's a low blow, Colonel!

Colonel: Face it, Snake! Once a kid brother, always a kid brother!

Snake: Colonel, what's gotten into you?!

Colonel: La li lu le lo. La li lu le lo. La li lu le lo.

Snake: Colonel, snap out of it! Colonel!! COLONEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Second banana - video


Second banana - what is it?

1) A Sidekick, a subordinate
2) See also: Malka

"Holy peeled fruit, Batman! I didn't realize I was your Second Banana!" Robin exclaimed while cruising in the Batmobile.

Malka needs her own identity: most people regard her solely as Shana and/or Sasi's Second Banana.

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