Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Scooba?

It means the sunset is almost as beautiful as you

Boy-Scooba whoop
Girl-awww thank you so much

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Scooba - meme gif

Scooba meme gif

Scooba - video


Scooba - what is it?

Blue chalk dust from a billiards table.

billiards scooba dust from a chalk for a pool cue.

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What does "Scooba" mean?

1. An amazing song entitled "Scooba Hoe" by Blaq and Dre Flame
2. A girl from the song "Scooba Hoe"

Person 1: you heard that song scooba hoe?
Person 2: yeah bruh thats the shit

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Scooba - what does it mean?

Used as an insult that will highly offend the individual that it is told to. It's meaning pertains to many things, such as either someone who has made a very stupid mistake, or someone who is just very stupid or insulting to be around. Can often be used as a joke around friends that wont be taken to literally due to the fact of it being used very little.

Can be shortened to just diver if necessary.

Get out of here you scooba diver, you're so stupid.
No man, i wont be seen with a diver like that.

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Scooba - meaning

Eating Vagina under water.

She was mad I could only Scooba Daisy for 30 seconds at a time, she needed atleast a minute straight to get hers.

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Scooba - definition

1. a slang word for a deep sea diver
2. a word for a dog that is in water
3. anything related to water

we have a drowning scooba on our hands.

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Scooba - slang

extra tight loons which cling to the skin.

wow!! she has amazing scoobas.

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Scooba-Scooba comes from the Greeks and got adopted by portugal in 2020 in the Copenhagen agreement of the same year.

Etymology: when something is really good, 10/10.

This pie is Scooba-Scooba.

Bro1: I'm having a party this weekend!
Bro1: Scooba-Scooba!

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