Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Schoolbus?

When you put hotsauce on your hand and put all four fingers and the thumb up to the knuckles in a girl's ass and rotate your fist while reverse titty-fucking her as she sticks a pencil up your asshole and twists it.

On the way to the away game, Jill and I shared a deep fried turkey roll on a Tennessee schoolbus. My court date is next week.

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Schoolbus - meme gif

Schoolbus meme gif

Schoolbus - video


Schoolbus - what is it?

When a guy shoves a twinkie up a girl's asshole and then ejaculates on it. Afterwards, he gets another girl to eat the twinkie out of the other girl's asshole while on a schoolbus. The girl with the twinkie up her asshole then proceeds to finger her asshole and then eat the sperm and twinkie from her fingers.


Kid: Wanna get a dirty schoolbus?
Girl with tight asshole: Hell yeah! I love twinkies up my asshole!

👍29 👎13

What does "Schoolbus" mean?

When you are banging a girl doggystyle and you insert your thumb into her asshole. Then make a circular movement with your hand as if you are driving a school bus.

Craig was driving the schoolbus with a major cum dumpster last night.

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Schoolbus - what does it mean?

Yellow on the outside, black on the inside

Chigger and Detroit Schoolbus are the same thing

👍43 👎23

Schoolbus - meaning

When during anal intercourse you urinate inside of your partner. Yellow and brown like a dirty schoolbus.

She was totally pissed when I gave her the dirty schoolbus.

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Schoolbus - definition

When you are trying to tell a legit story one on one, but it might sound perverted or disgusting if other people hear it.

The person listening can't hear you, or doesn't understand it at first, so you yell. Simultaneously, the entire room gets quiet.

You end up embarrassed and a wierdo for several minutes.

Matt: "What? I couldn't hear that last part, say it one more time."

Scott: "I said, I stuck it in the hole crooked, so she didn't give my money back!"

Matt: "Owch man, total schoolbus scenario, sorry."

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Schoolbus - slang

Although the true meaning of this word is really a mystery, one can safely assume that, when used correctly, it refers to a sexual technique. The phrase "to do someone schoolbus" was born after a young Japanese boy told his American English teacher that "I do you schoolbus".

-couple passionately kissing-

Man: Oh yeah, baby, I'm gonna do you school bus..

Woman: .......

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A Yellow Bus That picks up Students for School and BaseBall, Football Games. a bus that comes in the morning to pick you up to be on time for School.

Kate And Rob Wait For The Yellow School Bus to pick them up For School.

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Similar to the minivan, it is the act of inserting one fist and one foot into the vagina, and one fist and one foot into the rectum. Called the schoolbus because its 10 in the front, and 10 in the back.

Devin Holder flipped Dayna upside-down on her head and gave her the schoolbus.

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Street name for the yellow, 2 mg version of the benzodiazepine, Alprazolam (Xanax). This drug typically gives the sensation of being extremely relaxed, mildly groggy, and very chilled out. 2 mg is typically a very high recreational dose, so these pills are, at times, split in half. Tolerance to this drug can garner very quickly, making Alprazolam and other benzodiazepines addicting. Mixing this drug with alcohol can lead to death.

“Why did Jeremy looked so droopy during the math test?”
“Ah, well he popped a Schoolbus prior to the test...”

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