Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Schleyer?

the shit pretty much. An old German name that has defeated countless amounts of bitches. Many girls are not able to withstand the Schleyer man.

you tell a girl you are a schleyer and she is on you like white on rice.

👍55 👎15

Schleyer - video


Schleyer - what is it?

- Bringer of Orgasms.

Dominant male capable of extended and vigorous coitus.

Derived from Dragonslayer and the Germanic word "Schley" which means a rod.

reference note -"the little death", is a metaphor for orgasm.

The Vamp has fallen to the Schleyer this night.

Horny wenches seek the Schleyer and the fair virgins he happens upon shall have a short shelf life.

👍115 👎25