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What is Samantha Fox?

Samantha Paige Fox Is the most beautiful, pretty, smart, amazing person you will ever meet in your life. She is Hands-down the cutest girl he’s ever seen. She has the best smile and personality you’ve ever seen it in person. You wish you could be yours but she’s not at least at the time but hopefully one day she is. You love to make her laugh she loves to make you laugh she loves skills and her favorite song is either Cinderella by daughter Or Sweet dreams. Also you too love it when she makes you smile you love it when she makes you blush you love it whenever you get to see her. You also wish that she could see how beautiful she really is and that she would stop calling herself not pretty because she’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever meet.

Samantha Paige Fox is awesome.

👍31 👎13

Samantha Fox - video


Samantha Fox - what is it?

Former 80's popstar who liked to sing about sex and win wet t-shirt contests.

"Dude I just found this vintage porn in my dad's bedroom. Look at this broad; she's so fine!"
"That's like, totally Samantha Fox dude."

👍121 👎45

What does "Samantha Fox" mean?

Is a former Page 3 model and dance-pop singer.
She released the signle Touch Me which had some pretty Hot lyrics.

"(this is the night)
Touch me, touch me
I want to feel your body
Your heart beat next to mine
(this is the night)
Touch me, touch me now"

"Remember in the good old 80s when we had music like Samantha Fox, she should re-release 'Touch Me'"

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