Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sadboi's?

A young teen that is very depressed. But also listen to firme oldies. Get very angry for stupid reasons. Also a gangster name. β€œSadBoy” is a male that can fight. Tried his best to keep a relationship if it doesn’t work the male would do anything to get that young lady back. Smokes a lot of wax,weed, and crack. Can never take a joke.

ese1. Aye ese look at that foo across the shit.

ese2. Aye that the home SadBoy. He’s always depressed but listen to some firme oldies.

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Sadboi's - meme gif

Sadboi's meme gif

Sadboi's - video


Sadboi's - what is it?

What is said when your plans of having sexual intercourse are not fulfilled, causing bitterness.

Person 1: β€œSo did you fuck that girl last night like you said you would?”

Person 2: β€œNah, Sadboys.”

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What does "Sadboi's" mean?

A type of emotional abuser who uses his/(her) emotions, whether real or fake, to manipulate their SO to do things for them or remain with them.

1: Dude, Jared told Melissa that if she broke up with him, he'd kill himself.
2: Oh geez, that's dangerous sadboi stuff.

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Sadboi's - what does it mean?

A sadboy or a sodftboi (softboy) is a person (usually in their teens 13-19) who cries about their problems instead of fixing them.
You rarely see one, because they lack social interaction and rarely go outside their own homes.

In case you haven't, here's what they look like: They will usually wear informal clothing, like an oversized hoodie, hoodie without hood, hoodie without zipper... Etc. The type of music they listen to is a form of music that is catchy to listen to, but you wouldn't be caught dead doing so; a mix of ukulele and sad singing and more recently, sad rap.
They often times spend their time on the popular messaging app discord, mostly going on socialization and dating servers. They spend their time in the voice rooms the server provides, often times faking panic attacks and speaking with a tired monotone. Strangely enough, they will be in a relationship with somebody, but since they don't socialize very often, 9 times out of 10, it's online (On the aforementioned app Discord).
A more ancient equivalent to the "sadboy" is the emo, and in many ways they're similar, but the "sadboy" is a more modern take.

"Hey call Jacob, he might hang out with us!"
"He says he can't, he is something called a "sadboy" "

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Sadboi's - meaning

Salty Alliance bois who cry on twitter/the forums.

Alliance: I was just questing. I wasn't bothering you. That's soooo unfair. There's an obvious class imbalance. I don't even like wpvp...
Horde: turn WM off or get gud, sadboi

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Sadboi's - definition

1. a boy who listens to Sasha Sloan

"He's definitely a sadboy. I heard him humming Lie."

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Sadboi's - slang

a person, particularly male presenting, who identifies closely with soft neo soul r&b, comfortable yet functional clothing (possibly bought by mother), and may or may not be bipolar depressive. Loves hard, fucks harder. Has an art degree, lots of potential.

Tanisha: Girl, I finally found my third nigga for the rotation.

Charmaine: What! Girl, you already gotta sugar daddy and a DL nigga what else you need?
Tanisha: He a sadboi! He taking me to the pier for the sunset. Dinner on him!

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Also known as Goth Boy, Non Aesthetic, or Omigang;

A Sadboi is typically a teenage - young 20's male who idolizes Vaporwave music or Lil Peep.

Sadboi's typically have face tattoos and colored hair as well. Arizona tea is also favored by the community.

Lil Peep's music made me go from happy to Sadboi Clique πŸ’―

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a person who is deppresed af

β€œlook at gvalo she’s such a sadboi”

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A sadboi uses his sadness (feigned or actual) as an excuse to behave like a fuckboy. He's like a fuckboy but he covers it up by being "in touch" with his emotions and by being self-deprecating. Claims he's very aware of his flaws and is "working on them," but (and this is key) never actually fixes them.

Girl: Hey, how are you doing?

Sadboi: I know I have a lot of commitment issues and anxieties I'm actively trying to work on and that's why I cant commit to you right now but I would like to continue fucking and doing mundane relationship things for as long as I see convenient.

Girl: ????

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