Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SWAZ?

A word used to describe a vaping device or nicotine device such as a Juul, Smokk, Sourin, ect.

This term is used with hockey players, originating in the midwestern area.

“Hey Cole, Swaz me dawg
Pass the Swaz, im fiendin”
“Swaz me”

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SWAZ - meme gif

SWAZ meme gif

SWAZ - video


SWAZ - what is it?

if you are "swaz", you're the bees knees, you are the "it" girl, everyone wants to be you or be with you, you're awesome!

damn that's swaz
that girl should be called swaz bear cos she's got bare swaz!

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What does "SWAZ" mean?

Swaz is only performed by Jeremy swaz lynch

Billy: yo jez show us the swaz

Jez : did u see that swaz bill

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SWAZ - what does it mean?

An applied ideological attitude. The root of the optimistic 'Swaz-Outcome' based approach to life.

My life's been swazaz lately, ever since living and embracing the Swaz it's bin nothin but Swaz Outcomes on repeat all channels all day. S-s-s-Swaz!

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SWAZ - meaning

Swaz Lynch - Man who has cheeky tekkers on the ball

"Who's that"
"What do you mean who's that, its Swaz Lynch"
"He broke my ankles with his tekkers"
"The Swaz"

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SWAZ - definition

The curl on a football, characteristic of Real Madrid legend, Karim Benzema, who would often score extremely well controlled curling shots from the far left corner of the box into the furthest corner of the goal.

"Look at the swaz on that! Moving like Karim Benzema out here."

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SWAZ - slang

'Swag' is yesterday's news. Swaz is the new shit, and means so much more then lame "swag" ever will. Swaz can replace literally any word in a sentence, because Swaz means any and everything. When typing Swaz, use a hashtag to look even cooler. #SWAZ. Feel free to use it over and over as one word as well. i.e. SWAZSWAZSWAZ.

watch this combo: #SWAZSWAZSWAZ


"What the Swaz are you doing?"

"OMG that is so Swaz!"

"Dude, that guy is such a Swazaholic."

"BRB? (be right back) I don't think so... BRS."

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New Zealand slang. Abbreviation of the term sweet as. Used often in text messaging and by lazy people that can't be bothered forming two seperate words.

Want to come to a party saturday night?

Swaz - what time?

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The curl on a soccer ball

Look at the swaz on that”

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SWAZ stands for Snipes With A Z, and is a guy who builds PCs.

Person: Oi SWAZ, you build PCs right?
SWAZ: Yeah if u want parts then I'll give you my price sheet.

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